Lale Imbiss Döner

Lale Imbiss Charlottenburg

A summery trip to Charlottenburg takes us to Lale Imbiss on Otto-Suhr-Allee. Sunshine galore and lots of open sky over the Richard-Wagner-Platz. That’s how beautiful it is in western Berlin.

The Ambience

The beautiful business of Lale Imbiss Charlottenburg has already existed for 5 years. But already in 1982 the Baba of the current Dönermann opened a snack bar in Spandau. Now the youngest son has taken over the store in Charlottenburg. The older brothers are now doing something else. And of course, the boss always has to be there, otherwise nothing works. You know how it is.

All is picobello at Lale

At Lale Imbiss, you can sit outside very nicely when the weather is nice. Chairs and tables are clean, except for one, but that’s somehow because of the table, says the boss, who is very friendly and likes to talk to us geeks. The lively surroundings do the rest.

The Döner

Our four-person test team orders a kebab with different sauces, a kebab box and half a chicken with fries. One must also times out of the box and so. The bread is a toasted quarter pita, which unfortunately gets too dry. The salad is classic and very good. Also the sauces convince us and are delicious. The meat is unfortunately once again minced glue meat and in addition very dry. In this respect, the kebab is rather not so good tasting standard.

The Conclusion

Fun and Joy at Lale Imbiss
It was just fun. As always!

Super service, nice location and good weather, plus fresh salad and delicious sauces: so far, so good. Unfortunately, dry bread and dry billo meat. In the end, this results in just below average. Despite the children’s bonus and the pleasant atmosphere, we award only 3 out of 5 kebabs. On a positive note, the attached ice cream parlor provides us with a delicious dessert.

Where is Lale Imbiss?


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